John L. Spiker Inducted In West Virginia Auctioneer Hall Of Fame


John L. Spiker Auctioneer Inducted In West Virginia Hall Of Fame

Your latest inductee to the WVAA Hall of Fame is WVAA past President, John L. Spiker. John has been in the auction business going on 52 years. He says it seems like he got started last week. John has been licensed in 23 different states and has been one of the most sought-after purebred cattle auctioneers in the east. He remembers one cold day in North Dakota selling cattle in 32 degrees below. John is a licensed real estate agent and specializes in Land, Farm and Machinery auctions, Brokered by D. Anthony Kaufman in Bridgeport, WV. You can find John on the block selling cattle, farm or machinery throughout the State of West Virginia. John has also adopted the latest forms of auctions using online and mutli parcel software to sell farm and commercial real estate.